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Welcome to CHADD of Nassau County, which has been providing support, education and resources to the community since 1989. Our monthly meetings help individuals understand ADHD and cope with its challenges.

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Lastest Flyer (Lists upcoming presentations)


To add your name to the mailing list, email   


Next Presentation - March 11, 2025 - 7:30 PM


Natures Best Medicine: Exercise & ADHD

Rescheduled from February

Parker Albert, Nassau CHADD Board Member



 The registration link for presentations is also on the flyer -


Support Group Meetings


                       March 25, April 29, May 27, and June 24 - 7:30 PM                           


 The registration link for the support groups is also on the flyer.





For links to former Nassau CHADD workshops, look further down the page to   

 Previous Presentations (Videos, Slides and Information). 





Become a CHADD member. Check out the many benefits that CHADD offers.
 By listing CHADD of Nassau County as your chapter, you support our group.



Please LIKE and Follow Our FACEBOOK Page.


CHADD National Resource Center 

ADHD Helpline  1-866-200-8098 Monday-Friday, 1 pm-5 pm EST

 Help from experts and resources by phone or through the website.  


CHADD Brochure


Nassau CHADD's Online Professional Resource Directory  - Link to a list of Professionals who have requested to be included in our Professional Resource Directory and have expressed an interest in assisting families and adults with ADHD.


ADHD Fact Sheets


Teacher ADHD Resources


Parent Resources Concerning Education


Meet the CHADD Board Members (Headshots and Bios)

90-Day Supply of Medicine
Concerns about medication and treatment can create added stress for families affected by ADHD. While we’re often advised to obtain a three-month supply of prescribed medications, that is not possible for Schedule II controlled substances, which include certain medications for ADHD. According to the Pharmacist’s Manual, a prescriber may issue multiple prescriptions authorizing a patient to receive up to a 90-day supply of a Schedule II controlled substance; however, the following conditions apply: (1) every prescription must be written separately for each 30-day supply; (2) the prescriber must indicate the earliest date the pharmacy can fill each prescription.


Previous Presentations

(Videos, Slides and Information)


Chat GPT: Enhancing Focus and Productivity Passcode: +H!gzbA0


ADHD, Careers & Work Accommodations  Passcode: s%MTy8RW

The video displays after you click to start it.


Attention Scope


Navigating a Return to School


Hormones and ADHD: A Practical Guide for Women's Mental Health Well-Being


The ADHD Tax


Task Initiation


Preventing Parent Burnout


Apps, Gifts, and Your Word for the New Year


Health Care Notebook


Build Executive Functioning from the Bottom Up: Practical Insights across the Life Span


ADHD - There's an App for That!" 


The ABC's of IEP's and 504's Handout


You, at Your Best, in an ADHD Relationship


Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, What's So Scary About it All? (Self-Awareness)


Grief to Relief: Adulting with Late Diagnosis ADHD


Akili ADHD Treatment in Video Game Format


             The Essential 11 - Must-Have Skills for Success 


        Fostering A Positive Mindset in Individuals With ADHD


Top Ten Strategies for Parenting a Child with ADHD


Anxiety Advice for Parents with Children with ADHD Handout


Dr. Hallowell's ADHD 2.0 Webinar


 Essential Oils and ADHD


Grounded and Guidance: Understanding Anxiety and Attention

Listing of Links to Recordings of Other Chapters 


ADHD Through A Lifetime


Link to Presentations from Other CHADD Chapters




ADHD Resources for Parents and Teachers ADHD fact sheet, Printable membership form, CHADD flyer, School toolkit


Peer Resources - Links and guides for various ADHD support group resources - (adolescent, guides, teens, retirees, adults, parents and caregivers) 


Employment Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities


Parent to Parent


ADHD Fact Sheet and Other Information 


Child Mind Resources


ADHD Sigma and Medication


Free ADHD Toolkits 


Free Webinars and Information on Various Topics of Interest to those wih ADHD


CHADD does not endorse or represent products, services, publications, medications, or treatments. Meetings are free and open to the public, although membership with CHADD is strongly encouraged since your local group will receive a portion of your dues to continue supporting your community. CHADD membership costs $75 and has many benefits, including members-only access to online resources, the monthly magazine, a savings network, online community engagement, a discount prescription card, and discounted pricing on training and conferences. Listing Nassau County as your local group will provide our group with a portion of your dues, allowing us to continue supporting our community.







Contact Information


Contact: Shirelle F. Pearson



Elmont, NY 11003


Phone: 516-242-3263

Chapter Logo

Photo Gallery

Local Volunteer Opportunities


We are proud to be one of the longest-standing affiliates in New York. Our local Nassau County chapter was founded in 1989 to support and educate the families in our community who were experiencing frustration and a sense of isolation when dealing with issues concerning AD/HD. At that time, there were few places one could go for support or information. Many clinicians and educators knew little about AD/HD, and our children were often incorrectly labeled as  "behavior problems," "unmotivated," or "not intelligent enough." 

Much has changed in these last 21 years, as CHADD has grown and advocated on your behalf. We are a grass-roots volunteer organization charged with effecting change in our community through collaborative leadership, advocacy, research, education and support. Today, AD/HD is recognized as a legitimate neurobiological syndrome.  Children with AD/HD are eligible for special education services or classroom modifications when needed, and adults with AD/HD may be eligible for accommodations in the workplace under the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Internet has opened up unparalleled opportunities to accumulate information on AD/HD and related conditions. However, nothing compares to the face-to-face, member-to-member experience that our support groups can offer.  

Our Executive and Clinical Boards are composed of a small group of dedicated volunteers from around Nassau County who play an integral part in the chapter's success by providing support, education, and encouragement to parents, educators and professionals. We all have busy lives affected in some way by AD/HD. However, we have managed to maintain the passion and commitment of our founders. When we joined CHADD we became part of something bigger than ourselves. We offer you all this, and in return we ask you to join with us and become involved to continue this effort. We are always in need of volunteers and we need your participation. Effecting change in our community begins and ends with collaborative leadership. Without your help, change for AD/HD children, parents and adults in our community will not happen. With your involvement, we can continue to change the way AD/HD children and adults are treated in our schools, workplaces and throughout our state. 

There are many volunteer opportunities available. Just contact us and express your interest. You can play an important part in helping us continue to accomplish our mission. Become a part of our social movement – Join with us today!





Contact: Shirelle F. Pearson;  Email:;  Phone: 516-242-3263


CHADD Local Groups Need Your Support


CHADD has local groups throughout the United States. Each group offers programming or information specific to their geographic area. Local CHADD groups offer assistance for parents, children, young adults, adults and other stakeholders (psychologists, teachers, doctors, etc.). CHADD groups also provide advocacy, support, networking and information to those affected by ADHD in their communities.


Ways you can support these efforts are as follows:


  • Donate to this effort

  • Contact your local CHADD group to advocate for support groups

  •  Contact your school district to host and support newly forming or current groups

  • Contact your local community foundation or other foundations in your area to support this effort


For questions on these, or any options to support CHADD please visit our web site at or contact the CHADD National office at (301) 306-7070.




CHADD National

4221 Forbes Blvd, Suite 270
Lanham, MD 20706

Tel: 301-306-7070
Fax: 301-306-7090


Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)
CHADD does not endorse products, services, publications, medications, or treatments, including those advertised in any CHADD publications, webinars or podcasts.

© 2025 CHADD |

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