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Charleston CHADD is an affiliate of the national nonprofit Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD).
Join CHADD today to receive valuable membership benefits such as:
- Discounted pricing on training and events, International Conference on ADHD, Adult to Adult, Parent to Parent, and Teacher to Teacher programs.
- CHADD’s award-winning Attention magazine. This bi-monthly magazine features articles on resources, research, and background on issues surrounding ADHD. (Print Edition available in the US only) (Digital Edition offer available in the US and Internationally).
- Attention Monthly E-Newsletter featuring breaking news, exclusive web articles, and much more. This monthly e-newsletter is a member’s only benefit sent directly to decision-makers keeping them abreast of news, moves and happenings within the industry.
- Member-Only access on CHADD’s website to view thousands of resources on all aspects of ADHD including all CHADD’s Attention archives, with all articles since 2000.
- Support grassroots advocacy for the ADHD community.
- Connect with others in both the local and national ADHD communities who are experiencing the ADHD journey and help to support chapter growth across the country.
Ready to join the CHADD ADHD community? JOIN HERE!
Contact Information

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Local Volunteer Opportunities
This group is just getting started and I'm looking for a few others to support me in this effort. If you are interested, or if you have any questions, please send get in touch!
CHADD Local Groups Need Your Support
CHADD has local groups throughout the United States. Each group offers programming or information specific to their geographic area. Local CHADD groups offer assistance for parents, children, young adults, adults and other stakeholders (psychologists, teachers, doctors, etc.). CHADD groups also provide advocacy, support, networking and information to those affected by ADHD in their communities.
Ways you can support these efforts are as follows:
Donate to this effort
Contact your local CHADD group to advocate for support groups
Contact your school district to host and support newly forming or current groups
Contact your local community foundation or other foundations in your area to support this effort
For questions on these, or any options to support CHADD please visit our web site at or contact the CHADD National office at (301) 306-7070.