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We meet on the second Monday of each month.
We currently meet via zoom from 8:00-9:00 PM. Email janetmhm@icloud.com to get the zoom link.
We are meeting on the following days:
October 10, 2022 February 13, 2023 June 12, 2023
November 14, 2022 March 13, 2023 July 10, 2023
December 12, 2022 April 10, 2023 August 14, 2023
January 9, 2023 May 8, 2023 September 11, 2023
Why do we meet?
+Meet other adults and parents who understand the impact of ADHD
+A chance to be heard without judgement
+Learn how others are coping and what has worked for them
At our meetings, we might learn more about the effect of diet on medication, social executive functioning skills, procrastination and motivation, improving organization, time management, and forming healthy habits. Participants are encouraged to give ideas for future meetings. Each meeting has two periods of time when people who wish to share may do so. What is said or asked at the meeting is to be kept confidential.
Our meetings are for adults with ADHD, teens with ADHD, and parents with children who have ADHD. All meetings are free to the public. ADHD refers to all sub-types of Attention Deficit Disorder.
Please call or email Janet, coordinator of CHADD of Collier County, for the zoom link using the contact information below or for any questions.
Contact Information

Photo Gallery
Local Volunteer Opportunities
CHADD AFFILIATE: Collier County Satellite of CHADD
Contact: Janet; Email: janetmhm@icloud.com; Phone: 239-206-0300
CHADD Local Groups Need Your Support
CHADD has local groups throughout the United States. Each group offers programming or information specific to their geographic area. Local CHADD groups offer assistance for parents, children, young adults, adults and other stakeholders (psychologists, teachers, doctors, etc.). CHADD groups also provide advocacy, support, networking and information to those affected by ADHD in their communities.
Ways you can support these efforts are as follows:
Donate to this effort
Contact your local CHADD group to advocate for support groups
Contact your school district to host and support newly forming or current groups
Contact your local community foundation or other foundations in your area to support this effort
For questions on these, or any options to support CHADD please visit our web site at https://CHADD..org or contact the CHADD National office at (301) 306-7070.